Sometimes life hits you hard in the face. Our life circumstances force you to your knees making you feel an overwhelming sense of powerlessness. Setbacks, heartbreaks, stress, depression, losses, lack of passion, purpose and meaning. It´s something we can´t escape – it´s part of life, our personal journey! Oh, how wonderful it would be to control our life journey, and avoid pain for ourselves and our loved ones. The hard truth: some experiences in life is out of our control.

The good news is, that what you can control is how you feel and react. How you deal with your life circumstances is your choice and 100% in your control.
So how can you help yourself when you explore depression, anxiety, pain and frustration?
How can you minimize chaos, drama and unbearable emotions when life tests you the most?
How can you pull yourself up when you are down facing the darkness?
When I feel hurt, lonely or confused I tent to isolate myself allot; I avoid people, calls and literally "hide in my cave. (AKA - studio) " I also know that doing so will quickly make me feel much worse since I will be alone with my thoughts and pain.
So I made this rule - that I´m allowed to wallow in self-pity for one day – one day only! Then I force myself to go out, be creative, and allow myself to just be - with no expectations. This completely lifts my spirits and feeds my soul positively and creatively. I have recently started the magical process of ICM - I get up early in the morning before sunrise, and go out and breathe the ocean air - spend time with myself and allow myself to create with no rules or expectations.
I have transformed my mental state, from feeling frustrated to being more positive. I feel like I can take more on and face the day. I simle mindful and purposeful start to me day, has helped me tremendously with my mental health.



Turn Failure Into Transformation
When I feel like giving it all up - I retreat and give myself a visual voice.
Don´t Isolate Yourself – Give Your Pain A VOICE - an outlet
The key is to give your pain a voice, or some kind of outlet. If you keep all your negative thoughts and emotions to yourself, they will own you – they soon rob you of your power and bring you further down into misery.
Some people like to put words to their pain, in poetry or music. I love to create images, sometimes dark, melancholy and moody, emotional images when I feel depressed or alone. And other times I create images that are light, and full of life and beauty. For some, this may make sense, or for others, it sounds crazy – but it is vital to express yourself in any way shape or form you feel comfortable. If you lock your feelings up inside of you, it can lead to depression and anxiety.
Everyone on earth knows what emotional pain is and everyone will recognize your negative thoughts and feelings. So, in reality, you are not alone. Even if you find yourself rambling for a while embrace it – speak up and let the pain out!

Turn Failure Into Transformation
The positive thing about struggles is that it will change you, make you stronger and more caring about others. It develops sympathy and compassion in us. We become better friends, parents, and partners when we have experienced pain and setbacks.
Sometimes the best gifts in life come in ugly wrapping paper. The struggles we're dealing with in the present may make us more receptive to the needs of someone else who needs us down the road.
No matter what kind of pain we are in. No matter what failure we are experiencing we can always ask ourselves this: